contoh kalimat lego mindstorms
- The latest system, Lego Mindstorms EV3, was released on September 1, 2013.
Sistem terbaru, Lego Mindstorms EV3, dirilis pada 1 September 2013. - They are mostly made of plastics elements like Lego Mindstorms, rero Reconfigurable Robot kit, the Robotis Bioloid, Robobuilder, the ROBO-BOX-3.0 (produced by Inex), and the lesser-known KAI Robot (produced by Kaimax), or aluminium elements like Lynxmotion's Servo Erector Set and the qfix kit.
Mereka kebanyakan dibuat dari unsur-unsur plastik seperti Lego Mindstorms, rero Reconfigurable Robot kit, Robotis Bioloid, Robobuilder, ROBO-BOX-3.0 (diproduksi oleh Inex), dan KAI Robot (diproduksi oleh Kaimax), atau unsur-unsur aluminium seperti Servo Erector Set buatan Lynxmotion dan qfix kit.